현재 위치
  2. CI


“Tongyang, a world-class corporation creating the future-oriented values”

미래지향적인 가치를 창출하는 세계적인 기업 동양의 로고타입 및 시그니처입니다.

As the logo type and signature are the key elements of CI, representative of the image in the internal/external communication, any shape or color must not be changed arbitrarily. A signature is written in both Korean and English as a default, and each version is used depending on the use. The colors presented below must be identically expressed with accurate chroma and brightness in all the situations except when such colors cannot be expressed due to special nature of the media applied..

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English logo type

English logo type

Korean logo type

Korean logo type

Vertical logo type

Korean signature

English signature

Color Utilization in Signature

Gilded, embossed gold Gold/Pantone 872 C

Korean signature

English signature

Silver-gilt, embossed silver Silver/Pantone 877 C

Korean signature

English signature

1 degree black representation Black Black #000000

Korean signature

English signature

1 degree white representation White #ffffff

Korean signature

English signature